Thursday, January 20, 2011

Final run through for documentary

Today the group met for 5 pm at the school, to go over the final documented project. Simone required input and extra eyes to see if anything was missed in editing. It was indeed a project I was proud of, as the entire thing came off perfectly. Obviously there were many things that could not be included in the final edit as the timing for this project was 15 minutes max. The audio was fine,I just suggested some areas where changes in flow of the musical beds were placed, but it was GREAT!!
Trixie also brought a copy of the final print of the dvd covers. There were a few disagreements about the look of the cover. Simone suggested and to some point I do agree a bit, on the inclusion of the photo, of the Treasure chest with the photos of the beaches coming out from it. Trix said she would try to remove a part of the picture to make room for the requested chest.

Sometimes it does feel as though my verbal contributions are looked over at times...or as though I am speaking but no one if listening, my voice is heard but no one is listening to what I am saying. This now has me thinking a bit.

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