Sunday, October 10, 2010

Macqueripe and Chagville

Another element of our needed research took place today across in the western part of Trinidad. The group met at 9 am and headed to our first location Macqueripe. Well one of the first surprises we noticed was the faulty microphone we received for filming this weekend, as we began setting up for the shoot. Luckily we walked  with the lapel microphones which indeed we had no choice but to used primarily instead of secondarily as planned.  

At first it was a bit difficult just like Maracas to get willing participants for our most persons again shied away from the on screen publicity. As agreed by our Lecturer we aimed for a total of five persons on each shoot. Again I interviewed all persons for the Vox Pops, it was a joy to do that. 

Our second location was to Chagville. Honestly I couldn't see what was the attraction for many to this beach...which seemed un-kept and didn't possess the accompanying landscape. However at this beach we gained the opportunity to interview a life guard off camera. This Lifeguard provided us with answers to some vital questions pertaining to things beach goers should look out for. Practices they should get involved in or should not get involved in. As well as answers to other pertinent questions that viewers should be privied to know. 

So all in all it was another satisfactory day for us the members of Saving Power! 

Tonight I worked my other role as a researcher for this documentary. I worked on Trixie's responses from the questionnaires she distributed on the Excel sheet...another long night after a long day. I should have the rest of the questionnaires from both Sherrece and Simone by week end. 


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