Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Getting prepared for the next step

After receiving sample questions from the Producer with suggestions again the producer and I came together to create the new questions to be posed to the representative at The Institute of Marine Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago. A sample of five to seven tentative questions were finalized for this interiew(still to be dated) . Both Trixie and I agreed that I should conduct the interview as I already had some experience in Radio, doing on air interviews. However in the small interview held on Monday with group members that idea maybe pushed aside as it sounds like Simone already made plans to conduct the interview. I will however email the Director tonight offering my services for the on camera interview after that it will be her decision to make.

READINGS: Tonight I perused the Marine affair available at http://www.ima.gov.tt/home/ , website which provided a broad scope of the areas in which they conduct research in the marine and environmental field – from chemistry, geology, ecology, fisheries and aquaculture to marine and environmental law and policy. The site offers visitors information from whats new on the organizations agenda, areas in  Trinidad and Tobago being affected by environmental change (as seen in the picture above). This was indeed one of the environmental change the group saw for ourselves. The organizations website also provides a listing of Journal Articles, Books and Reports done on various beaches, bays or even wetlands in the twin island from Potentials, Legal issues, as well as guides to Beaches and Bays of Trinidad and Tobago Problems.

In the meeting on Monday the director ran through the latest shooting schedule for gathering some more primary research in the form of Vox pops and also to wrap up certain shoots. Some of which I unfortunately will not be able to attend due to work commitments. We will just see how it goes..

I know it is a bit late but the site over the past few days has peaked my interest so back to it....and in about an hour or so I will gather just incase it is needed some more sound effects or local music that the Editor may need to complement this documentary.

Night night for now!

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