Todays shoot was to obtain vox pops from the beach goers as to find out why they preferred Maracas (which is one of TnT's most popular beach) beach or if they were aware of others unpopular beaches in the twin island. At times it was a bit challenging to get folks who were willing appear on camera, aswell as due the heavy activity in today's Maracas Open Swim Day events, also caused some difficulty in getting many participants. However when we did, we received sufficient feed back that would be great for the research. Some admitted it(Maracas Beach) was good for the adventurous types with a preference of the rough waters. Some stated mainly because of its popularity and some just came due to the beach being a regular venue. In all it was a productive day.
From my position as Sound Operator....recording was great! I would feel comfortable hearing or viewing the clip just to feel at ease. I am not sure if I may be going deaf with my constant usage at work with loud headphones that may be impairing on my judgment for this project. There were struggles with the natural sounds from the ocean, to the huge crowds and to the complimenting breeze.
My secondary role today which I enjoyed was the Interviewer, with the assistance of Simone helping me with the photos which we showed the interviewees as I directed questions to them.
Oh and the sun was HOT today...great weather for the beach goers, but horrible for us the production crew...
We wrapped up the shoot at just after ten after the Director called it a day. We cancelled Las Cuevas due to time, however, we will continue to get interviews at other beaches. Good day with the team.
Next trip some popular beaches in the western parts of the island.